Tuesday, December 14, 2010

KrispyKlear™ Concepts

The KrispyKlear™ concept plainly defined is: The straightest line between a skill desired and a skill acquired. Be it a new language, a dance, a sport, how to make the best pizza or any other skill.

The brand’s main strategy consists in simplifying a subject-matter to its core by using contemporary fun language to associate familiar notions with any desired skill.

The concept can be clearly observed in its first product: KrispyKlear™ Spanish (Give your Spanish a Latin Flavor).

The entire product outlines as following:

· Learn To Trill Like A Latino Hearth-throb (The Spanish R 101) –Part 1 & Part 2
· If You Like Piña Coladas (The Spanish Ñ)
· The World Is Not Round; It’s Flat. (Spanish Vowels) –Part 1 & Part 2
· Tongue Spa (Relaxing your letters)
· Bye Bye Mr. Roboto (Just Go With The Flow) –Part 1 & Part 2
· 100 Short Common Phrases in Spanish –Part 1 & Part 2
· La Villa Maravilla (The Spanish Double L)

The product does not advertize as “Spanish Lessons” but rather as a tool to help people acquire a Hispanic pronunciation. It especially aims towards English-speaking individuals. This secondary premise aids the brand’s main strategy (simplifying a subject-matter to its core by using contemporary fun language to associate familiar notions with any desired skill). In order for KrispyKlear™ to deliver more accurate results, it offers semi-customized products.

Not just a Spanish speaking tool, but a Spanish speaking tool that aims especially towards English-speaking or Chinese-speaking, or French-speaking individuals. The same is true when it comes to any other subject-matter. In sports, for instance, it’s not just a tool to learn how to play professional baseball; it’s a tool for left-handed or right-handed players.

These are just some of the “Twads” (Twitter Ads –in the form of regular tweets-) related to KrispyKlear™ Spanish.

· Put a little EXTRA into something ORDINARY. KrispyKlear™ Spanish
· 1st you speak another man’s language then you can understand his experience. KrispyKlear™ Spanish

· Brad Pitt will win an Oscar with the help of KrispyKlear™ Spanish
· Can you say: “Rumba, Salsa y Merengue” and sound like you can dance it? KrispyKlear™ Spanish

· What does hot weather, hot peppers & “sangre caliente” have in common? KrispyKlear™ Spanish
· Zero sophistication, no complications; just KrispyKlear™ Spanish.
· Learn to THINK in Spanish for better pronunciation. KrispyKlear™ Spanish
· “Te Quiero” when pronounced well, sounds like music to the heart. KrispyKlear™ Spanish
· I am not a Latina yet my Spanish is KrispyKlear™; yours can be too. KrispyKlear™ Spanish · English should sound like English & Spanish should sound like Spanish. KrispyKlear™ Spanish

· Kids who speak a second language are more self-confident. KrispyKlear™ Spanish

· Why do Hispanic characters in movies often have an English accent? KrispyKlear™ Spanish. · @tonyrobbins I can motivate you to get rid of rigid English accent & pronounce KrispyKlear™ Spanish☺
· @Oprah, one more reason to be grateful is that I can teach you to say GRACIAS in KrispyKlear™ Spanish ☺
· @AplusK I can teach you to say “you got punk’d” in KrispyKlear™ Spanish -seriously- ☺
· @ParisHilton I can teach you to say ♪CALIENTE♫ in KrispyKlear™ Spanish, now “that’s hot”! ☺
· @rachael_ray I can teach you how to pronounce the Spanish R in less than 30 minutes with KrispyKlear™ Spanish
· @TheEllenShow Ellen, try saying “♪RUMBA Y MERENGUE♫” on your show in KrispyKlear™ Spanish; that’ll be hilarious ☺
KrispyKlear™ Spanish is a great sample of this vibrant concept. But the potential is basically unlimited:

KrispyKlear™ English with Southern Flavor
KrispyKlear™ English with British Flavor
KrispyKlear™ English with New Yorker flavor
KrispyKlear™ English with Aussie flavor
KrispyKlear™ English if Spanish is your native language.

KrispyKlear™ French
KrispyKlear™ German
KrispyKlear™ Japanese
KrispyKlear™ Chinese

KrispyKlear™ Samba
KrispyKlear™ Rumba\
KrispyKlear™ Salsa
KrispyKlear™ Merengue
KrispyKlear™ Ballroom dancing
KrispyKlear™ Tap Dancing
KrispyKlear™ Ballet
KrispyKlear™ Moon-Walking
KrispyKlear™ Break-dancing
KrispyKlear™ Hip-hop

KrispyKlear™ Piano
KrispyKlear™ Guitar
KrispyKlear™ Violin
KrispyKlear™ Cello

KrispyKlear™ Singing
- Opera
- Country
- Hip Hop
- Rap

KrispyKlear™ Reading
KrispyKlear™ Math
KrispyKlear™ Chemistry
KrispyKlear™ Physics
KrispyKlear™ Calculus
KrispyKlear™ Algebra
KrispyKlear™ Science
KrispyKlear™ Forensics
KrispyKlear™ Biology

KrispyKlear™ Soccer
KrispyKlear™ Basketball
KrispyKlear™ Football
KrispyKlear™ Baseball
KrispyKlear™ Boxing
KrispyKlear™ Tennis
KrispyKlear™ Golf
KrispyKlear™ Skating
KrispyKlear™ Swimming
KrispyKlear™ Poker
KrispyKlear™ Domino

KrispyKlear™ Miscellaneous

KrispyKlear™ Glamorous Make-Up (for each skin type)
KrispyKlear™ Emergency situations
KrispyKlear™ Modeling 101
KrispyKlear™ Wall Street 101

Anything that anyone wishes to learn is easier to learn via the KrispyKlear™ system. People will soon be asking: when is KrispyKlear™ going to come up with ________ tutorials?

Celebrities can be featured in the lessons although not necessarily impart them. For instance, when it comes to sports, superstars like Kobe Bryan, LeBron James or David Beckam can introduce experts that have been key figures in their lives, instead of actually teaching the sports, since stars would tend to reserve their best secrets.

KrispyKlear™ is where the “beans are spilled” when it comes to revealing the nitty-gritty of all things learnable. The goal is for customers to experience a feeling of “closure” as they get to the bottom of anything they ever wanted to learn. They should not wonder if there’s a follow up product; there shouldn’t be. That way, when they need to learn something else, they will not doubt to look for the KrispyKlear™ brand instead of any other one.

The products can be found in the form of downloadable podcasts, CDs, DVDs, books and/or read-along booklets/downloadable eBooks.

The Quintessentially
Universal Brand

Our interactive world today offers a great opportunity to peek into the minds of potential customers. Not only do we have a clear idea of what they’re talking about as well as their shopping preferences, but we also get to know what they’re inquiring about thanks to the most popular browsers, and sites such as: About.com, Answers.com or Yahoo! Answers among others.

While the Information Age has brought us a wealth of free resources, with vast amounts of information to anyone who can access it, it has ironically also created an increasing demand for ONE SPECIFIC TOOL that offers reliable, accurate and, why not, customized information.

As long as there is new technology, new interests or new strategies, as long as people are alive, growing and expanding, there’ll always be a great demand to learn new skills.

An ever exploring, ever expanding world with billions of people eager to communicate better with each other, and handle the latest cutting-edge technology, obviously places KrispyKlear™ as the 21st century quintessential Universal brand. Predictably, it would soon become a modern-day necessity to people all over the globe, according to how faithful it remains to its straight-line formula.

On the other hand, the KrispyKlear™ concept is simple and self-explanatory, making it an easy product to place (on purpose or unintentionally) in videos, movies, sitcoms, stand-up comedies, talk-shows or even news broadcasts. The brand’s name goes beyond just being a common phrase to become an iconic axiom.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Redemption: The Most Complete and Amazing Gift of All

All of life’s laws are visible manifestations of spiritual universal principles. From the law of sowing and reaping to the law of gravity, even to the basic laws that govern auto-mechanics, aerodynamics, a computer chip or the fuel that makes the economic system flow; they all have their origin in the spiritual realm and ultimately in God.

The gift of Redemption is no exception when it comes to manifesting in a visible, earthly form. One of the most basic ways we can observe the principle of Redemption is in the form of a ransom that is paid to “redeem” a person or a possession.

But I believe there is a higher form of modeling what Jesus did for us on the cross, and we can do this with our own lives. As Jesus carried our sins and burdens so we didn’t have to carry them ever again, we can prevent others from having to learn certain life-lessons the hard way. We all have a unique and special calling; the journeys that we travel on the way to our destinies and even the lives we live after we get there can be such, that we redeem others from having to go through those same difficulties.

When someone can look at your life and extract from it valuable lessons that save them from the heartaches you had to endure, then the journey, as well as, the sacrifice was worth it.

We can save our children from a lot, if they can learn from our past mistakes and missed-marks. But as it is with the Greatest Redemption of all we cannot force anyone to accept the gift; sometimes others will sadly choose to travel a broken road, just to learn lessons they could have easily learned through some one else’s experience, thus, saving themselves a lot of time and unnecessary pain.

Just like some who came before us set an example of excellence and endured affliction, difficulties and trials to give us a smoother path, we also can leave an example of overcoming obstacles and hurdles in life so those coming behind, can find a straight bridge to cross.

What a wonderful privilege that in our own limited human realm we can participate with our precious Lord in the most amazing event this Universe has ever witnessed!