Every once in a while I cannot help but ask myself how much money would it cost me, if I had to pay to be able to upload videos to a venue where the world can have access to them, better yet to have my own channel from which to broadcast myself; or to have a column or forum where I can interact with the world and expect reciprocity. Nowadays, I have the option to self-publish my books, my music, my productions or anything I want, and make them all available to the whole world.
I would say that in the last, perhaps, three years I have put together a very "impressive" resume of accomplishments all thanks to tools and resources that cost a few individuals billions of dollars so that I could use for free:
- First of all, if you Google my name Julie Duncan-Archibold (NOT Archibald or Archbold) you will get enough relevant links to give you a full scope.
- I have published not one, not two but three books that can be purchased at lulu.com. The first one, however, The Brainstormer; Think, Imagine, Create can also be purchased at Amazon.com and other online bookstores. The second book is great material for a reality TV show; I even wrote an article on it. For the third book, I bought a Press Release package from which anyone can download a FREE 33-page excerpt.
First Book:
Second Book
Third Book - I have written over a dozen articles for ezinearticles.com
- There is merchandise attached to my first 2 books: mugs, T-shirts, tote bags…well, you get the idea @ Cafepress.com (info available in FREE 33-page excerpt)
- Was named woman of the month for July 2006 by 4RealWomenInternational.org
- I was interviewed on Blog Talk Radio in June of 2009
- I even made a recording in the category of The Spoken Word entitled Fall Asleep With Happy Thoughts that can be found at Songcast.com, Amazon.com, Napster.com, emusic.com, among others.
- A couple days ago Richard Branson launched a marketing campaign for people to contact him via Twitter through PerfectBusiness to pitch business ideas in 111 characters or less. I’m assuming that someone must have liked my idea since more or less in an hour’s time PerfectBusiness was following me (on Twitter).
- 2 days ago, -from the time I wrote this- Tony Robbins (yes, that Tony Robbins with the big smile) sent me a DM via Twitter (hey, this has to count for something)
- Last night I found this link YouTube - videogirl72's Channel - Mixx I am not even sure what it’s all about but it is featuring my Channel. Yep, I almost forgot to mention I have my own channel -on YouTube- and right now it’s presenting my latest project: JESUS IN POP, soon to be made into the most successful musical production of all times.
Now please don’t get me wrong, it’s not about self-promotion today; I am trying to make a point here (besides taking advantage of the fact that I got your full attention and indulge in some shameless plugs) but let’s move on…
In spite of what I have done, you haven’t seen me on Oprah or The View or CNN or on E! News, or on Barbara Walter’s Most Fascinating People, or any other place you would expect to find a big time celebrity. There is a reason for this and it is highly ironical. The great resources that are free for me are also free for millions of other everyday people just like me. Therefore, in a paradoxical way, the very tools that made me a celebrity have made me more of an average person. In other words, if Kathy Griffin is on the “D” list, then the average celebrity like me is on the “X” list. We are the unknown (X) celebrities; more like Xelebrities.
But before the rest of you fellow Xelebrities start having a self-worth crisis, let me fill you in on one of the biggest aha moments you’ve ever experienced until now. We are the real celebrities. OK I’ll let you digest that for a second. Now, let me say it again in a different way: we are the big prize, the coveted trophy, the force to reckon with. All the razzle dazzle is just to lure us in, to impress us, to capture our attention.
All businesses are after Xelebrities! They are after our information, our credit cards, our money. They don’t need to find out anything about A-listers, they already know all that needs to be known about them. Celebrities are just the bait to get to the big fishes: you and me. On New Years Eve when you can go out (or stay in) anywhere you want to, you know what lots of Celebrities are doing? Working! On an average show they need to go through maybe five changes of clothing to make the show even more alluring to Xelebrities. Celebrities work for us, they give us want we want to see. You and I are the kings of the world and don’t even know it.
That is even truer today than ever before. We are armed with digi-cameras, phone-cameras, Blackberries (and Twitter). Every Xelebrity has a blog and we are always ready to shoot. Just a couple seconds after the credits begin to roll and without ever leaving the movie theater, we can create the next blockbuster or bum movie with just one tweet!
Do you think anybody is becoming more sensitive to the fact that Celebrities complain of lack of privacy for them and their families? Publications along with the Paparazzi obey only one boss: The Xelebrity. Whatever the boss demands, the boss gets.
We got the power! There is nothing we cannot do in this day an age. We can get exactly the kind of world we always wanted; we can create the Society that will best serve us and our children, the power is in our hands; let's use it wisely.
So don’t worry about the fact that Celebrities are getting all the air time or the free merchandise. We still decide what’s cool and what’s not. Never mind the fact that they all look glamorous walking down the red carpet and designers are all asking them to wear their stuff, it’s all to entertain us, we still get the best seats in the house.
Now lift your head up high, grab your TwitterBerry and repeat with me: I am a Xelebrity, yupie!
Great post. Makes one consider our influence upon this world...even if from our living rooms.
ReplyDeleteAn insightfull post. Will definitely help.
Karim - Creating Power