All of life’s laws are visible manifestations of spiritual universal principles. From the law of sowing and reaping to the law of gravity, even to the basic laws that govern auto-mechanics, aerodynamics, a computer chip or the fuel that makes the economic system flow; they all have their origin in the spiritual realm and ultimately in God.
The gift of Redemption is no exception when it comes to manifesting in a visible, earthly form. One of the most basic ways we can observe the principle of Redemption is in the form of a ransom that is paid to “redeem” a person or a possession.
But I believe there is a higher form of modeling what Jesus did for us on the cross, and we can do this with our own lives. As Jesus carried our sins and burdens so we didn’t have to carry them ever again, we can prevent others from having to learn certain life-lessons the hard way. We all have a unique and special calling; the journeys that we travel on the way to our destinies and even the lives we live after we get there can be such, that we redeem others from having to go through those same difficulties.
When someone can look at your life and extract from it valuable lessons that save them from the heartaches you had to endure, then the journey, as well as, the sacrifice was worth it.
We can save our children from a lot, if they can learn from our past mistakes and missed-marks. But as it is with the Greatest Redemption of all we cannot force anyone to accept the gift; sometimes others will sadly choose to travel a broken road, just to learn lessons they could have easily learned through some one else’s experience, thus, saving themselves a lot of time and unnecessary pain.
Just like some who came before us set an example of excellence and endured affliction, difficulties and trials to give us a smoother path, we also can leave an example of overcoming obstacles and hurdles in life so those coming behind, can find a straight bridge to cross.
What a wonderful privilege that in our own limited human realm we can participate with our precious Lord in the most amazing event this Universe has ever witnessed!
The gift of Redemption is no exception when it comes to manifesting in a visible, earthly form. One of the most basic ways we can observe the principle of Redemption is in the form of a ransom that is paid to “redeem” a person or a possession.
But I believe there is a higher form of modeling what Jesus did for us on the cross, and we can do this with our own lives. As Jesus carried our sins and burdens so we didn’t have to carry them ever again, we can prevent others from having to learn certain life-lessons the hard way. We all have a unique and special calling; the journeys that we travel on the way to our destinies and even the lives we live after we get there can be such, that we redeem others from having to go through those same difficulties.
When someone can look at your life and extract from it valuable lessons that save them from the heartaches you had to endure, then the journey, as well as, the sacrifice was worth it.
We can save our children from a lot, if they can learn from our past mistakes and missed-marks. But as it is with the Greatest Redemption of all we cannot force anyone to accept the gift; sometimes others will sadly choose to travel a broken road, just to learn lessons they could have easily learned through some one else’s experience, thus, saving themselves a lot of time and unnecessary pain.
Just like some who came before us set an example of excellence and endured affliction, difficulties and trials to give us a smoother path, we also can leave an example of overcoming obstacles and hurdles in life so those coming behind, can find a straight bridge to cross.
What a wonderful privilege that in our own limited human realm we can participate with our precious Lord in the most amazing event this Universe has ever witnessed!
*Image borrowed from www.catholicbishops.ie/.../easter2007/
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